Explore your Human Design

Enter your details to generate your human design bodygraph

The Human Design System is a fascinating tool for self-discovery and enhancing everyday life. Combining elements from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and quantum physics, it offers a unique analysis and life management method. Developed by Ra Uru Hu in the late 1980s, this system has gained global popularity. Essentially, Human Design revolves around understanding an individual’s unique energetic signatures and design characteristics. It is based on the concept that each person has a distinct “design blueprint” determined by their precise birth date, time, and location. The system identifies various personality types, energy flows, and life strategies, offering guidance on how to harness these energies effectively. 

Enter your details into the form below to generate your human design bodygraph. You can also download a PDF with even more information about your human design at the top of the page (above your chart when it shows up). 

And in a couple of days, you’ll receive a juicy email on how to get the most out of human design and use what you’ve just learnt to enhance your life. 

If you want more depth on human design and how to use it in your life, consider booking a 1:1 intuitive coaching session with me.